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Lingüística Aplicada a la Docencia de la Lengua Extranjera
su Literatura y Traducción
'Como pez en el agua', una propuesta didáctica a partir del análisis de la imagen publicitaria,
Ruth Z. Yuste-Alonso
El Guiniguada, n. 20, 2011, pp. 197-213.
Imagery goes often unnoticed in teaching foreign languages, as it is considered apparently irrelevant from a linguistic perspective. However, images in general, and advertising images in particular, have a powerful verbal background, and thus, are not exempted from being communicative. The pedagogical proposal "Como pez en el agua" tries to demonstrate the viability of advertising imagery as a pedagogical instrument and how its classroom analysis can develop communicative competences and skills as well as a useful critical, analytical spirit in today’s society.
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